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Socially assistive robots deployed in Paris hospital to ease pressure on staff and reassure patients

Next-generation socially assistive robots have been successfully tested in a healthcare setting to assist patients, alleviate their anxiety, and relieve pressure on nursing staff as part of a hospital trial co-conducted by researchers from the National Robotarium in Paris, France. The SPRING (Socially Assistive Robots in Gerontological healthcare) trial developed robots equipped with advanced artificial […]

How robots are taking BIM to the next level

Robotics and automation are already helping to reduce risk to humans and increase productivity on building sites, writes Pete Felton, Business Development Executive at the National Robotarium. FROM its early use on films such as Rocky, Marathon Man, and The Shining through to its modern appearances at the side of football matches and other sporting […]

A view from the Heriot-Watt Dubai Climate Hub – Frontier Robotics

I knew when it began that 2023 was going to be an interesting year. I had secured a Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship to pursue Frontier Robotics, a new spin-out created to advance software for underwater robotic autonomy, exploration and inspection and had one year to make the company a reality. Little did I […]


I'm so excited to announce that today the Robot Talk community launched on @Patreon!

I'll be sharing bonus content, behind the scenes updates & more. If you love science, tech and #robots but hate the jargon, this is the place for you!


#Robotics #AI

“The Scottish have that heritage of engineering and technology – and also, not being reticent to get your hands dirty and get on with it. These are things that stand us really well for the future.” 💬 @NRobotarium's CEO, Stewart Miller.


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Spotlight on…

Oliver Lemon

Academic co-lead at The National Robotarium

Professor Oliver Lemon
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